Shoreline Designations


FGDC Metadata (click on a section title to expand or close) 


Citation Information
OriginatorIsland County Planning and Community Development
Publication Date2016
Shoreline Designations
Publication Information
Publication PlaceCoupeville, WA
PublisherIsland County

                            This is the Shoreline Jurisdiction designation shapefile for the Island County SMP Update of 2012.The Shoreline Master Program this map shapefile is associated with was locally adopted in IslandCounty under Resolution C-125-12, PLG-007-12 on 12/27/2012.As of 1/8/2015, this locally adopted SMP was still under review by Dept of Ecology, and had notbeen formally adopted by Island County. As such, this map is still technically 'proposed' and doesnot have regulatory authority as of this date of 1/8/2015.ESA provided the following documentation with regard to this map:NOTE: The planning area includes all marine waters, lakes over 20 acres, lands within 200 feet ofthese water bodies, and any associated wetlands. Wetlands shown on this map have been identifiedthrough previous inventory efforts; however, the map is for general planning purposes only and isnot intended to show all wetlands that exist in Island County. This map depicts the approximatelocation and extent of "shorelines of the state" as defined in the Shoreline Management Act. Theactual extent of the shoreline jurisdiction requires a site-specific evaluation. These maps areapproximate and are for planning purposes only. Projects in shoreline areas are required to providemore precise information on the location of water and wetlands.Marine Shorelines of Statewide Significance (SSWS): In Island County, all areas lying seaward ofthe extreme low tide line are marine SSWS. Tidal SSWS also include areas between the ordinaryhigh water mark and the extreme low tide, and include their "shorelands."Map data shown here are the property of the sources listed below. Inaccuracies may exist, and ESAimplies no warranties or guarantees regarding any aspect of data depiction. SOURCE: IslandCounty, 2010; WDNR, 2001; 2010; Microsoft Bing, 2011 (Aerial). Department of Ecology Grant#110007 /Task 2.1
                            This is the Shoreline Jurisdiction designation shapefile for the Island County SMP Update of 2012.
This Shoreline Master Program this map shapefile is associated with was locally adopted under
Resolution C-125-12, PLG-007-12 on 12/27 /2012.
Time Period of Content
Time Period Information
Single Date/Time
Calendar Date2016-03-10
Currentness Reference
                            Publication of feature based on time stamp
ProgressIn work
Maintenance and Update FrequencyasNeeded

Spatial Domain
Bounding Coordinates
West Bounding Coordinate-122.873077
East Bounding Coordinate-122.324671
North Bounding Coordinate48.420486
South Bounding Coordinate47.820843

Theme Keyword ThesaurusUser
Theme KeywordSED
Theme KeywordShore
Theme Keywordshoreline
Theme Keywordshoreline environmental designations
Theme KeywordShoreline Management Act
Theme Keywordshoreline master program
Theme KeywordSMA
Theme KeywordSMP

Access Constraints
Use Constraints
                        None. Please check sources, scale, accuracy, currency and other available information. Please confirm that you are using the most recent copy of both data and metadata.
Point of Contact
Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationIsland County Planning and Community Development
Contact PersonNathan Howard
Contact PositionPlanner
Contact Address
Address Typephysical address
Address1 NE 6th Street
State or ProvinceWA
Postal Code98239

Contact Voice Telephone360-678-7993
Contact Electronic Mail
Contact Instructions

Security Information
Security Classification System
Security Classificationpublic
Security Handling DescriptionStandard Technical Controls

Data Quality 

Logical Consistency Report
                        Tests for integrity have not been performed.
Completeness Report
                        Features represented have not been tested for completeness
Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
                                Data were collected using methods that are accurate to within 67 meters/200 feet

Spatial Reference 

Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
Map Projection
Map Projection NameNAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet
Lambert Conformal Conic
Standard Parallel47.5
Standard Parallel48.73333333333333
Longitude of Central Meridian-120.8333333333333
Latitude of Projection Origin47.0
False Easting1640416.666666667
False Northing0.0

Planar Coordinate Information
Planar Coordinate Encoding Methodcoordinate pair
Coordinate Representation
Abscissa Resolution0.0003280833333333333
Ordinate Resolution0.0003280833333333333
Planar Distance Unitsfoot_us

Geodetic Model
Horizontal Datum NameD North American 1983
Ellipsoid NameGRS 1980
Semi-major Axis6378137.0
Denominator of Flattening Ratio298.257222101

Entities and Attributes 

Distribution Information 

Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationIsland County Planning and Community Development
Contact PersonNathan Howard
Contact PositionPlanner
Contact Address
Address Typephysical address
Address1 NE 6th Street
State or ProvinceWA
Postal Code98239

Contact Voice Telephone360-678-7993
Contact Electronic Mail
Contact Instructions

Resource DescriptionDownloadable Data
Distribution Liability
                        Planning  disclaimer- The following map is intended to be used as a GUIDE.  Island County is providing this information as a general geographic representation that should not be used for precise measurements or calculations.  Some of the features on this map are not accurately depicted.  Any user of this map assumes all responsibility for use and agrees to hold Island County harmless for liability, damages, or loss incurred by use of this information.  Specific questions should be directed to Island County’s Department of Planning and Community Development.

Metadata Reference 

Metadata Date2016-03-10
Metadata Future Review Date2020-03-10
Metadata Contact
Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationIsland County Planning and Community Development
Contact PersonNathan Howard
Contact PositionPlanner
Contact Address
Address Typephysical address
Address1 NE 6th Street
State or ProvinceWA
Postal Code98239

Contact Voice Telephone360-678-7993
Contact Electronic Mail
Contact Instructions

Metadata Standard NameFGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard VersionFGDC-STD-001-1998

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